Nothing is simple these days, and Adia understands this. Though architectural design and innovation are our focus, we offer a variety of customized design-related services to accommodate our clients’ varied needs.

Often clients come to us with “dreams” and need help developing an idea long before it becomes a building. Sometimes they need help marketing an idea or developing a website. Other times, all the client wants is a second opinion or improvements on a design another architect has prepared for them.

We do all of this. We have experts in innovation, architectural design, engineering, photography, web design, graphic design, ecological design, marketing, social media, and more.

Below is a list of our Primary Services. To see additional services we offer, click on Ancillary Services. Be sure to check out adiaRecommends as well.


Architectural Design & Development

Building Prefabrication & Global Delivery

Site Development Feasibility Studies

Conceptual & Schematic Design

Second Opinions on Existing Designs

Renovation & Remodel Designs

Energy Performance Upgrading

Value Engineering (Cost Cutting)

Innovative Solutions Consulting

Lukas Petrash Adia Design Company Affordable Design Innovation Architecture International Prefabrication Adia Adia Lukas Petrash Adia Design Company Affordable Design Innovation Architecture International Prefabrication Adia Adia